June 30 Deadline to Submit GIPS Compliance Form

The deadline for registering your firm’s GIPS compliance is fast approaching.

All firms claiming compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) are required to submit a GIPS Compliance Form to the CFA Institute as a notification of compliance. This is an annual filing requirement and firms have until June 30th of each year to submit the GIPS Compliance Form based on information as of the preceding December 31st. Firms failing to submit the form in a timely fashion will no longer be in compliance with the GIPS Standards.

In addition, verifiers are required to test that the firm has properly notified the CFA Institute during the verification process. Firms should review their policies and procedures to confirm that they include the process for the preparation, review, and submission of the notification as verifiers are required to check this as part of the verification process.

The GIPS Compliance Form can be found here.

We will be happy to provide further information relating to this subject. For more information, contact Josh E. Kramer, Senior Accountant, Audit & Accounting at jkramer@kmco.com. 


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